14th-24th JULY


After the celebration of the result of class 12th. A devil(my mind!!) was waiting for me to ask a question that- what to do next? Is it just this!! is this what you wanna want to do in your life? 

Then the day started with a terrific mode, that, I have to decide what to do next? It is not easy to have something you like, as your career because we have to see the present situation with future requirements and our passion for that option ... if they are interlinked, then it is good to pursue, but if not, it is just to struggle with it and nothing else.

It was the moment when you should just cut yourself from the world and just sit down and just think where do you belong to (not a place, it's the place which you deserve(career))and what is your next destination which will not only give you a head start to the journey to your final goal, but also help you out in the present condition.

It was the period when I struggled a lot, not as in class 12th, but more than that. It was the mental pressure! After a long conversation with my teachers and others, I understood about the outer world and the need required for me in the future, and somehow I figured out something, that, what you like the most, Will not Serve Others as well as Yourself.
For example, you love to play cricket, or chess or singing or dancing, etc. it does not mean that you cannot pursue it as a career, you can! but it is just a waste of time, money, and your life.
depressionbecause in today's world everything is all about competition, Everyone is struggling for their existence, so to achieve something in a common niche, either you have to be first in that field or best in that field, then you might have a presence as well as a good life. But, if you are at the middle stage where everyone is struggling you will not survive and in the end, you become stressed and depressed.

In short, I'm saying that opting for your hobbies as a career is just a waste of time and in the long run you may not exist.

Then comes about the decision, till now I'm confused. After listening to everyone and having different views I will now conclude it in short that maximum people asked me, what you like just pursue it(which was good), some told to do medical and some for engineering, but having a dream for a startup, I have to decide what to do! because there are many options after 12th but the trend is just medical and engineering nothing else, that's what I don't want to go with all the sheep and goats.

I'm not saying that engineering and medical are terrible, I'm saying exploring new things is good where you are best at! Which will not only boost yourself to your destination but also take to you to greater heights!

FulfilmentAfter all, on 21st July I celebrated my birthday(according to birth thiti, actually I was born on 9th August). It was amazing but I missed all my friends and relatives who would have made my day much better.
The gift I got was- lots of LOVE from everyone WHICH MADE ME feel SELF SUFFICIENT AND HAPPY (that's what I wanted).

After that, as I have registered for 5 entrance exams of different fields (The best I can choose it as my career!!)I have to prepare for all that. So, I stopped wasting time thinking about the future and started my preparation for the exams, as the learning and practicing were stopped from the 10th of July (due to class 12th result excitement) I again started it and continue everything in the schedule. I just figured out that just sitting and studying will not gather extra skills for me, So I started learning new skills with my studies, which will not only help me now but also in my future career.

At last, these 10 days were so hectic, that it was just a thing to experience with, but not about having stress.

Thank you for reading this blog, if u liked it, share it with everyone, hope they will also like it and lastly if you have learned any skill or know about it please comment about it, I will love to hear from you. thank you!


  1. Great buddy!!!
    Keep sending your amazing experiences.
    I think it will be a guidance and motivation for upcoming students.


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